Last week commuters experienced the worst week of trains disruption of services in Singapore.
I decided not to do Christmas shopping in Orchard Road due to that reason. I do not want to end up as trapped passenger or squeezed myself in a crowded bus
The Chronology
On 14 Dec 2011 the Circle Line broke down in the morning. I experienced myself when I was waiting at the platform in Payalebar station.
On 15 Dec 2011 it was the worst incident in the history of SMRT.
It was the North South Line took turn to break down.
The commuters even broke the window since there was no air in the train and few passengers had fainted. Some were forced to walk on the tracks.
Many people were stranded in MRT stations. They could not board taxies which were fully booked, traffic jams, and the buses deployed were not enough to accomodate these stranded passengers.
On 17 Dec 2011, again the North-South line was broken down and only up after 1.30pm although it was announced in the previous night news it would resume at 10am.
Again on 18 Dec 2011 the train services East-West Line, North-South Line were halted until 11.30am.
Though this time they offered free shuttle services to passengers in some affected areas.
It is somewhat became agenda in the politics arena in Singapore;_ylt=AsTAE6FMuGBDcUT3JMrgPr0BV8d_;_ylu=X3oDMTR0NW91N3JvBGNjb2RlA2N0LmMEbWl0A01vc3QgUG9wdWxhciBBcnRpY2xlcwRwa2cDMTUwNDFlYjktMjFhMi0zNWY3LWIxYmEtMTcxMDQ2YTUyNjdjBHBvcwMzBHNlYwNNZWRpYUJMaXN0TWl4ZWRNb3N0UG9wdWxhckNBBHZlcgM0MmNiYmU5YS0yOTUwLTExZTEtYmI5YS1hYjlmNjQ4YjdiN2E-;_ylg=X3oDMTMyM2xqc2E5BGludGwDc2cEbGFuZwNlbi1zZwRwc3RhaWQDZDFjMGU5N2ItNjQ0Zi0zZTg2LWI0ZTItOGI3MGZkNzUwODM5BHBzdGNhdANzaW5nYXBvcmUEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdlBHRlc3QD;_ylv=3
Today SMRT shares traded at SGX (Singapore Exchange) drops to 1.755, and at 11.35am it is traded at 1.77.
Now it is festive period when Orchard Road and malls in the city district are filled with shoppers.
I wonder how much "loss" the shops endured during those breakdown period.
Should SMRT held responsible? I believe SMRT should have their own KPIs in justifying their performances including the remuneration package if its highly paid CEO?
These recent incidents would only feed the sentiment of the growing numbers of grumbling passengers.
Looking back....
The MRT often broke down in the morning rush hour in recent months.
Just before the Singapore F1 GP in September 2011 there were a number of broke down in the Circle Line. In the past two years I commuted from Payalebar to Jurong East, I experienced many delays of trains eventhough just for a couple of minutes, and sometimes the train halted half way at the tracks between Buona Vista to Queenstown, and from Lavender to Cityhall.
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